Blog Buddy Review: Advertisements

The initials ideas, for me, were clear: her research showed the idea she wanted to show and to which points she wanted to highlight, but the development to the final product was not very clear. She skipped on most processes, and had not placed much personal comments which could've helped.

The research, while related to the source and motif used, does not say much about why she chose such sources nor were they actual adverts. Only one of the pictures was an advert; the other three pictures were simply photos with headphones. It would have been helpful if more adverts with similar themes or adverts with similar composition were used during the development.

The process was not clearly stated: tools used, which application used, and more were not stated, so it would be beneficial if such details were added. It would also be helpful if there was a motif and process in making the logo. Additionally, there is not much commentary on the process: saying little notes such as what and why were specific fonts used would be great.

The final outcome was quite clear: without much context, I could tell that it was a headphone ad relating to something outdoors, possibly referencing enhanced noise silencing. Some comments I would like to make is that as the font is quite thin, it is not very visible unless you focus on it, which many people do not for adverts. Also, the colour of the font for the third advert is not clear, so it should be changed. Otherwise, I think the composition for the first and second advertisements are great.

3 advertisements made by Antria


  1. Very good critical commentary here - thoughtful and constructive - well done

  2. Very good constructive and thoughtful criticism here - well done


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