New Idea Generation and Research for Final Advert
Public paint adverts, especially if it is paint used for artworks, is rare to find as the target audience is often extremely closed off from the common people. So, based on adverts that carry a similar imagery and idea that I have shown previously, I searched for advertisements that had similar concepts, techniques, or compositions that I was aiming for.
Suarez & Clavera (2015) Chupa Chups Ad
Found in: Canva
The image above is an advertisement from Chupa Chups for Mexican audience in the year 2015. Although the official video advertisement is gone now, images carrying sections still exist on the internet. The use of text as an image, in this case a shape of the lollipop, is a style of advertisement I often see for food products. Instead of the common 2D text style of ad, this instead used 3D text with clear lighting to give it a shiny, realistic circle to give it an illusion of an actual candy. This is one of the type of advertisement that I would like to make, albeit in 2D and with more elements relating to my topic.
Etsy (2022) Vintage 1936 Heinz Strained Foods Baby Food Print Ad
Found in: Etsy
I’ve always been interested in vintage ads: not only are their styles and illustrations iconic, they often have dubious content which is wrong in modern context but is hilarious. So, when I found this old print of Heinz baby food ad, it instantly caught my attention. The expression of the baby captures the innocence and hilarity that they have, and the contrast with the illustration of the mother just made a perfect image. Using this idea, I wanted to make a vintage style ad with the characteristic red-cheeked red-nosed baby that is funny but still baby-like.
Canva (2022) 25 typographic advertisements to inspire your next design [Online Image] Available from: [Accessed 16 Oct 2022]
El Santo Del Rock (n.d.) ¿Me das mi calaverita, Chupa Chups? [Information Source] Available from: [Accessed 16 Oct 2022]
Etsy (2022) Vintage 1936 Heinz Strained Foods Baby Food Print Ad [Online Image] Available from: [Accessed 17 Oct 2022]
Good work on considering vintage advertising in relation to your work and good referencing - well done