About Me Page for Website

Yoonji Lee, known by her friends as Jenny. Opting to move between cities and countries to expand her mind, Jenny has not settled on a single place for a long time. When Jenny is in her mental closet, every little idea and obscure thoughts become an inspiration.

Jenny has always created art; no matter where she was, she would sketch and develop. Her school may not have been supportive of arts, but  Jenny's passion brought her to where she is now.

To better develop her art skills, many people have inspired Jenny including her teachers, parents and friends.

De Montfort University (DMU) is her current destination, again choosing to go out of her comfort zone for fresh experiences. Although working for some illustrations for friend and relatives, she chose to better develop her skills in Graphic Design (Illustrations). Jenny hopes to create her own illustration series built upon old cartoon stories her younger self made.
[Proofread and edited About Me text]

I have transferred the text to my website after receiving feedback from my tutor and editing. Then I fixed some wording in the web template to be fit for a personal introduction. A stock portrait photo was added to get a grasp of the format.


  1. Well done for completing this and adding to your site please add an image these are now on Blackboard


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