First Thoughts: Themes for Art Portfolio 1
In this discussion, our tutor introduced us to the themes that we would have to work on which are Purple Haze, Earthly Delights, and Expressionism. He then further went onto how these themes were used in different contexts and subject areas.
Earthly Delights is a theme that I feel most attracted to, especially due to the events that are currently happening with nature and environment. When I first heard of this theme, I already had ideas coming since I have seen several news that could affect the Earth and have watched media (animations, posters) which uses this theme. I immediately related this theme to a series of posters or ‘emblems’ which talks about what we are doing to nature and what nature can do to us.
Purple Haze, while interesting as a topic, was not as attractive because I could not relate too much with it. Not only do I have little experience on when this theme was quite dominant (1960s era with psychedelics, hippies, drugs, so on), I feel like I would only create works that I have done multiple times.
Expressionism was a good theme that I could have worked on considering the works that I have already made previously, but this time I wanted to create a work based on a more critical and widespread issue.
Edit this post and add some commentary on the sketches you made - what came out of that exercise that you can follow up on? There are clearly a range of ideas here and it would be good to hear about them so that they can be developed in Week 2.