Further Artist Research: Fluid Art and Emma Lindström

 Fluid art, also known as acrylic paint pouring and flow art, has been an art technique that has been rising in popularity due to its simplistic way of creating with  stunning result. It is made using acrylic paints, of which are usually soft body acrylics (thinner acrylic paints) or acrylic ink as they are already in liquid (or close to liquid) form, mixed to a pouring medium. Depending on the type of medium, it can create different effects such as having a layer of ‘coating’ or giving. A watercolour-like look. Pouring different pigments of acrylic pours give it interesting textures and patterns, making it one of techniques used in abstract art. As McGorlick-Appelman (2020) says, fluid art techniques are used to ‘create gliding organic and hypnotic free flowing abstract compositions’.

Emma Lindström, n.d., AYIIHLA 2

 More medium can be added onto the base mixture to create additional abstract patterns. Silicone oils can be added into the mixture or dropped on top of the work to create a ‘cellular’ pattern’ and varnish can be applied to give it an extra sheen to the piece. As such, fluid art is a versatile and accessible way to create abstract work that I have decided that would break the cliché-nature of my theme while still emphasising the natural property of the work. As mentioned in previous post, as pouring mediums can be expensive and less accessible, I have found alternative ways to create fluid art using soap. Although the properties and result may not be exactly the same as pouring medium mixtures, I have experimented and tried to mimic the texture.

Emma Lindström, n.d., CANAIIO III

 Emma Lindström is a fluid artist based in Sweden. She utilities the natural properties of fluid art to become a ‘mediator of this life giving force’, giving her works a type of energy which resembles the look of galaxies and force of nature.She continues on to say ‘The major theme I’m pursuing in my work is energy. I’d like to somehow make visible the creative energy that operates in the unknown and unseen, but binds us all together’. Instead of letting the viewers breakdown and analyse her paintings, she lets the viewers feel the energy and theme of the work. 

 I have thought that this artist creates works with similar themes to my project, albeit with more positive outlooks. She replicates and pours the energy of nature onto her canvas, and she states that this is her main goal in creating her works, continuing to create a powerful work with patterns and colours. Her works carry a depth that seems to disperse like how the stars of the galaxy or waves in the sea would. Although this feeling may not be replicable with a soap medium, it creates a less clear and transparent look than an actual pouring medium, however I would like to replicate this energy in my works.

About (n.d.) Emma Lindström. Available at: https://www.emmalindstrom.com/about (Accessed: 13 March 2023).

Artist Spotlight: Emma Lindström (2017) Artistic Odyssey. Available at: https://artisticodyssey.com/artist-emma-lindstrom/ (Accessed: 13 March 2023). 

Fluid Artist Emma Lindstrom Wows Acrylic Pouring Fans with Paintings of Galaxies (2019) Craft-Mart. Available at: https://craft-mart.com/lifestyle/fluid-artist-emma-lindstrom-wows-acrylic-pouring-fans/ (Accessed: 13 March 2023). 

Lindström, E. (n.d.) AYIIHLA 2 [Online Image] Available at: https://www.emmalindstrom.com/original-artworks?pgid=irngfjsm-f01a7d92-3b32-4ea9-9ac4-4b73110f56e7 (Accessed: 13 March 2023).

Lindström, E. (n.d.) CANAIIO III [Online Image] Available at: https://www.emmalindstrom.com/original-artworks?pgid=irngfjsm-a8448d3b-312a-4bf5-91c7-5a9c1fcce0f6 (Accessed: 13 March 2023).

McGorlick-Appelman, D. (2020) The Beginners Guide to Acrylic Pour and Fluid Art, Art Shed Online. Available at: https://www.artshedonline.com.au/beginners-guide-to-acrylic-pour-and-fluid-art (Accessed: 13 March 2023). 

Stewart, J. (2022) Fluid Art: How to Start Acrylic Pouring & Create Psychedelic Abstract Paintings, My Modern Met. Available at: https://mymodernmet.com/acrylic-pouring-fluid-art-basics/ (Accessed: 13 March 2023). 


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