Art Portfolio 2: Major Project Plan Pro Forma

 Below is the Major Project Form for this project: 

 The detailed outline of my project can be seen in the plan pro forma including my SMART objectives, motivation and working timescale. Here is an excerpt of my timescale from the plan sheet:


Week Three: 

Week Four: Initial Research (At least one Primary and Secondary), Material Sourcing, Further Sketching

Week Five: [Skills Week] Start working on final pieces, research into the artists mentioned previously

Week Six: Continue developing final pieces (ideal if 2D is finished by here), additional research on children’s toys

Week Seven: Start finishing up final projects, additional primary research on background presentation

Week Eight: Finish up any unfinished work, take photo of the 3D project, do mockups and photoshop as needed

Week Nine: Preparation and presentation of final works (website and blog)


After this post, I will continue to post my primary researches (majorly material related) and my artist research, and develop further sketches in relation to character design for the story and background.



  1. Good detailed timescale of the project - remember flexibility is the key to any well executed plan, this is with Week 6 in mind - if you haven't finished all of your 2D work by this point, you still have plenty of time to complete the project.


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