Colour and Paper Test

  As part of my 2D creation process, I have tested different paints and paper types to be used in my project. I have tried 4 different types of paints: watercolour, gouache, ink and acrylics on different types of paper, making use of similar colours to note if there are major differences between it. 

 Of the different types of paper, Khadi paper had the most interesting texture and it seems to make the colours more vibrant, so I will be using it for my final project. However for the paints, I feel split between watercolour and gouache. They both have the transparent texture that I want to use, and while gouache is more versatile due to its trait of being both opaque and transparent, I am more proficient in watercolour. As such, I may be using both in my final project.


  1. Follow up with further practise with Khadi and watercolour/gouache - character development sketches?


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